gifted education Committee

Advocating for accelerated and enriched instruction for highly able learners

Chair: Susanna Montezemolo
Contact information:

The MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee (GEC) supports and advocates on behalf of children who require accelerated and enriched instruction beyond the grade level curriculum in order to achieve at their highest level. GEC works to ensure that MCPS systematically provides appropriate programming to equitably meet each child’s unique gifts and talents in compliance with Policy IOA and Regulation IOA-RA.

how to get involved

Each PTA is strongly encouraged to identify a volunteer to serve as its Gifted and Talented Liaison for the 2021-2022 school year. The GT Liaison (some PTAs call it a GEC Rep) plays a vital role in advocating for the needs of highly able learners by providing a critical link between the school community, the MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee (GEC), and MCPS. The time commitment is minimal and more than one person from each school can participate if interested. The virtual nature of our current environment makes participation flexible and accessible. No prior experience is needed for the role--just a desire to support this unique community of learners.

Once your PTA has identified a GT Liaison for this year, please email that person’s name, school, and contact information to Susanna Montezemolo, Chair of the MCCPTA Gifted Education Committee at

To Learn more about the GT Liaison position, check out the GT Liaison recruitment letter and the GT Liaison FAQs.

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