Montgomery County Council of Parent-teacher associations
everychild. onevoice. ®
cadaniño. unavoz. ®
PTA: where everyone belongs.
PTA: donde todos pertenecen.
MCCPTA, working together with local PT(S)A leadership, advocates for the education and welfare of the children, families and schools in Montgomery County, Maryland, based on annual advocacy priorities approved by our membership. We currently represent over 50,000 members in 194 local PT(S)As, which is a testament to the vital role that PTAs have in advocating for the needs of our children.
Our institution is rooted in our mission: to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. We understand that a child’s success is closely inextricably linked to their family’s involvement in their education. That is why engaging and empowering families is one of our core values and informs all aspects of the way we think about and approach our advocacy. Learn more.
MCCPTA Meetings Calendar
ES PTA Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month
MS PTA Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month
HS PTA Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the month
MCCPTA Delegates Assembly: 4th Tuesday of the month
MCCPTA BlueBook 2024-2025 Local Contact Info
Are you a local PTA? Fill out the Blue Book form so that we know who your officers are and to be able to get on the appropriate elists!